Thursday, July 16, 2020

Uses of all function keys of keyboard

Hello friends, Many times when we are working on our computer over various applications and we need some shortcut keys to complete the work as fast as possible. Since all shortcut keys are available on our keyboard, but either we are not aware of it or we are ignoring thinking it as useless. Similarly, many of us have ignored the uses of function keys. 

Friends, if you are also interested in computer information and wants to know new things every time, then visit my blogs. Now without any further delay let's get started, Hello I'm Ashish, today I'm going to make you known about various uses of FUNCTION KEYS of the keyboard.

Function keys are very useful on the computer which makes our work easier, So we must know where and how we can use it to make our work easy.

Function keys of keyboard



To open Help menu of any application


To rename any file


F2 + Ctrl(MS-word)

To open quick print Preview



To open search in any windows application

F3 + Shift

To change case of the selected word


To repeat only last done work


F4 + Alt + Enter

To shutdown PC or  minimise any application (without Enter)

F4 + Ctrl

To close any recently opened Tab


To refresh or reload



To Open “find, replace & go to” dialog box

F5(Power Point)

To run Show slides



To go to address bar of any Browser


To bring label on each tab & by typing that key, it can be selected


F6 + Shift + Ctrl

To see each file one by one      (When 2 files in MS-word is  open together)



To check spelling


F7 + Shift(MS-word)

To see related words of the selected word


To boot while installing window


To refresh in MS-word



To bring label on each tab & by typing that key, it can be selected, In any application


To open a menu bar in chrome



To see a full-screen view of any application or while playing video


To make a chart of the table



To save Files


F12 + Shift + Ctrl(MS-word)

To open quick print options



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